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"Under the Lermontov Star" Annual Events to Start in Early July

Penza M. Lermontov Regional Library and the Russian Library Association ("Central Libraries" section) invite you to participate in the "Under the Lermontov Star" annual events.

Online conferences and round tables will be held on July 3-4, 2020.

The main topic for discussion at the round table "Regional Libraries” Methodological Service in Modern Conditions" is the libraries' memorial activity for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory "Memory of the Heart". Libraries have a special mission to preserve the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War.

For this purpose, libraries are actively engaged in patriotic attitude development and historical education of users; they collect information about the Great Patriotic War in their region, open museums at libraries, as well as create books of memory and reference books about fellow countrymen-heroes, workers of the labour front and children of war. Using modern technologies, they implement projects on the Internet. We invite you to present the practical activities of the libraries of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to save the heroes and events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) in the "memory of the heart".

On the youth platform "Library 3.0: in Partnership with User" we offer to discuss virtual youth projects and libraries' online activities in the period of self-isolation and the role of young professionals in creating qualitatively new library products and services. Young information and library specialists under the age of 35 are invited to participate.

According to tradition, there is going to be the presentation of the Sura modern literature, culture and social thought magazine (2020, no. 3), produced by the Penza M. Lermontov Regional Library and devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Victory. Today the magazine has authors who live in about 50 regions of Russia and many other countries. You can watch the live presentation on the "Culture.RF" site at 4 p.m.

The "Multstudio in the Library" master class will be held on July, 4, and conducted by Natalia Tyusheva, head of the Department of automated library technologies of the A. Pushkin Central Town Library of the municipal cultural institution "Centralised Library System" of Kamensk-Uralsky (Sverdlovskaya Oblast), the best young librarian 2019.

Registration of participants via the link

Contact us:

- Methodological Department, e-mail:, phone 8 (8412) 63-44-07, Fax 8 (8412) 63-44-41 (Vera Bashirova, coordinator).

- Youth Council "Biblionext", e-mail:, tel. 8(8412)63-44-14, +7 9273921207 (Yekaterina Aksyonova, coordinator).

The event will be broadcast on the website of the Penza M. Lermontov Regional Library (

Photo credit to the Penza Oblast Ministry of Culture and Tourism